Church Services

All are welcome to come and join with us at:

Sunday Service 10:30am
at the
WEA – Cottage A
223 Angas Street, Adelaide

Parking out the back available on Sundays for $5 (machine takes coins or card).

Wednesday Testimony Meeting 7pm
held in person in our Reading Room at
50 Pirie Street, Adelaide

Can’t make it in person?

All our services are also live-streamed.

Click to join online

Or dial (08) 7150 1149
Meeting ID: 846 4114 1244
Password: 266

About our services

We can all expect to feel that Christlike touch in our hearts in the stillness of listening to God’s Word bringing to light and showing us who we are as God’s loved children.

Sunday Services

The Sunday sermon

To keep our church services free from personal opinion and interpretation, the Sunday sermon consists of readings taken from the Bible, placed with related readings from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. The sermon is exactly the same in every Christian Science church all over the world every Sunday. The members of our church annually elect two people from within our membership to read the sermon to the congregation, and to conduct our church services.

The Christian Science Bible Lesson

Many study the citations in the Bible Lesson during the week prior to the service. More information about these lessons can be found in the Christian Science Quarterly, available for study or purchase at our Reading Room or online.

Wednesday Testimony Meetings

Hear selected readings from the Bible and Science and Health on current issues, followed by testimonies from members of the congregation of effective healing by spiritual means alone.

The Christian Science Pastor

Our ordained Pastor is the Bible, together with the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

The textbook of Christian Science opens up to us all the practicality and possibility of experiencing healing and salvation in the same way that Jesus brought to so many all those years ago.